جريدة الديار
الثلاثاء 23 أبريل 2024 05:06 مـ 14 شوال 1445 هـ
بوابة الديار الإليكترونية | جريدة الديار
رئيس مجلس الإدارة أحمد عامررئيس التحريرسيد الضبع
الشاهد الثانى بـ”رشوة الرى”: تقرير معهد الإنشاءات كشف عدم صلاحية الخرسانة حريق في 5 منازل بالفيوم و حالات اختناق بين المواطنين رئيس الوزراء يتابع الموقف التنفيذي للإفراج الجمركي عن البضائع في الموانئ وتطبيق منظومة الشحن المسبق البابا تواضروس يعزي أسرة الراحل رسمي عبد الملك تدشين وحدات حزبية جديدة ومعارض للسلع وقوافل الخير بأمانة حماة الوطن بسوهاج بسبب خلاف على مكان البيع بالسوق بالقليوبية بائع خضروات يقتل زميله مناقشة مجلس شئون التعليم والطلاب بجامعة الإسكندرية للإستعدادات لأعمال امتحانات نهاية الفصل الدراسي الثاني وزير التنمية المحلية يهنئ وزير الدفاع والإنتاج الحربى بذكرى عيد تحرير سيناء المجيد اجتماع وزير التعليم مع لجنة من قيادات الوزارة لتطوير وتفعيل سبل تحقيق ضمان الجودة التعليمية ”وزير الدولة للإنتاج الحربي” في زيارة مفاجئة لشركة ”أبو زعبل للصناعات المتخصصة” أمن القاهرة يكشف لغز بلاغات سرقة ويضبط الجناة والمسروقات السيسى يضع إكليلا من الزهور على النصب التذكارى للجندى المجهول

”Safari tourism” .. Desert trips invented by Europeans to discover African deserts

Egypt, this type of trip has spread in severa areas, most notably "Sinai", especially the city of Dahab, which is located on the Gulf of Aqaba, about 100 km from the city of Sharm el-Sheikh, and is About 87 kilometers from Nuweiba, the city which was famous for its golden sand color, until it was overwhelmed by the name "Dahab", as it is famous for its pristine beaches and rich diving sites with coral reefs.

The city of Dahab was famous for its safari because of its nature and ancient history. It is a sea port on the Gulf of Aqaba. It was just a warehouse for goods used by the Bedouin tribes known as "Arab Nabateans" from the second century BC until 106 AD, and in the 1990s. It began to flourish, and today it has become a destination for fans of paragliding, mountain climbing, and safari trips, and for everyone who wants to enjoy the mountainous and desert nature, and prefer to relax and relax away from the noisy tourist places, to enjoy the sandy beaches full of unique Bedouin tents, in addition to the presence of many places to practice Desert sports, camel riding, safari and diving.

PSinai is full of mountain ranges of different colors and shapes interspersed with a number of oases and archaeological and religious sites, and the only way to discover them is prairie trips, whether by four-wheel drive or by camels, and the paths are usually varied, some of them heading to Mountain ranges such as Mount Saint Catherine, Jabal Musa, and Ain Sokhna, and that path is often intended for mountain safari enthusiasts, who wish to observe desert animals and migratory birds, while others head to valleys and springs, the most famous of which is Ain al-Qadirat in the Qusima region, and Oyun Umm Ahmad Fartqa and Ferran Oasis, and the colorful valley, which is considered one of the natural wonders of Sinai, which is a maze of sandy rocks in yellow, purple, red and gold colors, and its height in some places reaches 40 meters.

As for the wild fishing enthusiasts, they usually take the paths of Al-Arish, Sheikh Zuweid and Rafah in North Sinai, or in the nature reserves in South Sinai, which represent the ideal environment for safari tourism, the most famous of which is the "Ras Mohammed" reserve located at the confluence of the Gulf of Suez with the Gulf of Aqaba, and its beaches are distinguished. With coral reefs, endangered sea turtles and rare aquatic organisms, this reserve is home to many rare birds and animals, including the Nubian ibex in mountainous regions and many types of reptiles and insects.

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Annual camel racing festivals are held in the northern and southern regions of Sinai, which is a Bedouin sport of camel racing, and it usually witnesses a high turnout of tourists who crave folkloric carnivals for Bedouin customs and traditions, and car and bike races are also held regularly in the Sinai lanes.

PM Red Sea, it is usually directed to its complex chains for lovers of mountain climbing, while practitioners of horse and camel riding often set up their tents in its valleys, and there are many paths and pistils that help to The practice of racing cars and motorcycles, and there tourists meet the people of the oases for summer parties and barbecued dinners in the simple Bedouin way.
