جريدة الديار
الإثنين 29 أبريل 2024 09:19 صـ 20 شوال 1445 هـ
بوابة الديار الإليكترونية | جريدة الديار
رئيس مجلس الإدارة أحمد عامررئيس التحريرسيد الضبع

We invite you to dive in the Blue Hole in Egyptian Dahab


It comes to diving professionals and its hobby from all over the world, meaning its overwhelming depth, interesting adventures, and picturesque views of colorful marine creatures and beautiful coral reefs


It is a deep watercourse, embraced by the sea water in the city of Dahab. It is 90 meters long, 100 meters deep and 50 meters in diameter, and it is only a very short distance from the beach, surrounded by coral reefs covered with water, it is the dwelling blue hole in the Red Sea coast in Hurghada for millions Years, which is a crater formed long ago as a result of a comet collision with the earth, so that gap occurred and over time the most beautiful and most wonderful landscapes of coral reefs and marine creatures were formed that encouraged diving into it

Divers come to it from everywhere, and race, and compete to reach the most dangerous areas in it, especially the "frightening arc" that attracts them, because of its colorful marine creatures that dazzle the beholder, as it links the blue hole to the open sea and thus is the most dangerous area in the hole Blue, because passing through it affects the gas pressure in the cylinder that the diver is carrying, and causes him physical harm and sometimes problems with consciousness and perception, the length of the tunnel is only 26 meters

As for those who are not skilled in diving, they can also enjoy diving into the deepest blue hole, so there is no need to worry, as there are about 22 visitor training centers, with the highest efficiency and in the least possible time, on diving operations in the blue hole. The Dahab region attracted tourists from all over the world, as mentioned above, and among them were those who left their homeland, their people, and preferred to live in Egypt, on the land of Hurghada, next to the sea ... and its overwhelming blue hole

The tree of Mary .. here grew to be a sign for the world